A year after the zombie virus outbreak, a devastating drought and famine set in, killing most of the human survivors. As the remnants of humanity cling to existence, Charles Garnett sends a new team on a desperate quest: Retrieve a possibly untouched cache of the food substitute Soylent Z from Galveston, Texas. But when mission leader Israel Johnson and his small team arrive in Galveston, they'll face a threat unlike anything ever seen before in the zombie genre!
Featuring Z Nation's signature blend of horror, humor, and heart, "Sea of Death" is a wild ride through the zombie apocalypse, as envisioned by series co-creator Craig Engler, comic book writer Fred Van Lente (Marvel Zombies, G.I. Joe), and artist Edu Menna (Red Sonja).
Book Information
ISBN 9781524104542
Author Craig Engler
Format Paperback
Page Count 160
Imprint Dynamite Entertainment
Publisher Dynamite Entertainment
Weight(grams) 408g