The Legend of Zelda: Legendary Edition contains two volumes of the beloved The Legend of Zelda manga series, presented in a deluxe format featuring new covers and color art pieces by Akira Himekawa. The battle for Hyrule and the Sacred Realm has begun! A young boy named Link must defeat evil on his long, perilous quest to find the spiritual stones that hold the key to the Triforce, and deliver them to Zelda, princess of the land of Hyrule. Link, now a Hylian Knight, serves Princess Zelda at Hyrule Castle. When Shadow Link kidnaps Princess Zelda, Link once again must prepare himself to defeat the forces of evil. To do so, he needs the legendary Four Sword, but getting it means releasing and then battling the ancient evil power Vaati. The Four Sword also splits Link into four different versions of himself, and these new Links aren't team players! Rescuing Zelda, beating Vaati and getting his wild alter-egos under control isn't going to be easy!
About the AuthorAkira Himekawa is the collaboration of two women, A. Honda and S. Nagano. Together they have created ten manga adventures featuring Link and the popular video game world of
The Legend of Zelda, including
Ocarina of Time,
Oracle of Seasons and
Four Swords. Their most recent work,
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, is serialized digitally on the Manga One app in Japan.
Book InformationISBN 9781421589602
Author Akira HimekawaFormat Paperback
Page Count 386
Imprint Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan IncPublisher Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc
Series The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons / Oracle of Ages -Legendary Edition-Weight(grams) 544g
Dimensions(mm) 210mm * 146mm * 30mm