The legend of King Arthur lives on...
It is several years now since Arthur, the Last Dragon of Britain, has set foot on home soil. Roaming the Land of the Denes, he has not only engaged in brutal and bloody conflict with the barbaric Geats but he has also unearthed the most evil force within the royal court of Heorot. And, under the guidance of Stormbringer, the mighty Sae Dene king, he has honed his skills as a commander. Now the time has come for Arthur to brave the dangers of the frozen north as he and a band of daring sea-faring warriors prepare to embark on his ultimate voyage - to return to Britain and to create a kingdom of his own...
The triumphant conclusion to M.K. Hume's magnificent Twilight of the Celts trilogy that completes the epic series about the legend of King Arthur, sure to appeal to fans of Conn Iggulden and George R. R. Martin.
About the Author
M. K. Hume is a retired academic, who is married with two grown-up sons and lives in Queensland, Australia. Having completed an MA and PhD in Arthurian Literature many years ago, M. K. Hume has now written a series of magnificent novels about the legend of King Arthur. For more information visit:
Hume brings the bloody, violent, conniving world vividly to life...will appeal to those who thrill to Game of Thrones and other tales of intersecting, ever-warring, noble lineages * Kirkus Review *
Hume deftly navigates the Arthurian legends, populating them with likable and despicable characters, and casting them in a fully realized historical setting * Publishers Weekly *
Historical fiction of the most bloodthirsty and roistering kind * Australian Bookseller & Publishers Magazine *
Exciting, violent and bloody... Up there with Conn Iggulden and Bernard Cornwell --
It's a slice of history that's totally, utterly believable. Magnificent --
Book Information
ISBN 9781472215734
Author M. K. Hume
Format Paperback
Page Count 576
Imprint Headline Review
Publisher Headline Publishing Group
Series Twilight of the Celts
Weight(grams) 440g
Dimensions(mm) 196mm * 130mm * 40mm