After losing his mother at a young age, Nekota is taken in by family friends...who happen to be a couple of human-sized walking, talking cats. Not only do his new parents have paws, tails, and furry pointed ears, but now he also has an adorable little sister, Neneko-chan! As a high schooler, he's integrated well into their household, and his precocious adoptive sister has fully accepted him as her big brother. Whether she's showing him things she brought home from elementary school, purrsistently asking him to play with her mouse toy, or waking him up at the same early hour every morning for breakfast, life with this charming feline family is never dull!
About the Authorsenko is a manga creator in Japan best known for
My Sister, The Cat.Book InformationISBN 9781685796174
Author senkoFormat Paperback
Page Count 256
Imprint Seven Seas Entertainment, LLCPublisher Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC
Series My Sister, the CatWeight(grams) 221g
Dimensions(mm) 181mm * 127mm * 20mm