Ghost Diary is a new ongoing manga series about a young exorcist's search for his sister after she vanishes, leaving behind only a mysterious notebook filled with secrets about hunting ghosts. The beautiful artwork and haunting tone of the series will make it a must have for supernatural manga fans. Each lavishly-illustrated volume contains at least one full-colour insert. Sukami Kyouichi comes from a family of exorcists, the strongest of whom has always been his sister, who keeps a special notebook by her side that details how to defeat even the most malevolent of ghosts. One day, shortly after his sister rescues young Kyouichi from a haunted shrine, she goes missing. Six years later, with only the notebook as his guide, Kyouichi is confronted by someone claiming to have been his sister's friend. Who is this stranger, and what does she know about his sister's disappearance?
For fans of Twin Star Exorcists and XXXHolic comes an all-new supernatural tale!About the AuthorSeiju Natsumegu is a manga creator best known for his work on
Ghost Diary.
Book InformationISBN 9781626924727
Author Seiju NatsumeguFormat Paperback
Page Count 180
Imprint Seven Seas Entertainment, LLCPublisher Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC
Series Ghost DiaryWeight(grams) 181g
Dimensions(mm) 181mm * 127mm * 16mm