The saga of humanity and the predatory Titans edges closer to its thrilling conclusions. The mysteries of the Titans are being revealed...who will escape death at the hands of giants and human beings?
Story Locale: The post-apocalyptic future
Series Overview: Humanity has been devastated by the bizarre, giant humanoids known as the Titans. Little is known about where they came from or why they are bent on consuming humanity. For the past century, what's left of mankind has hidden in a giant, three-walled city. Now, a young boy consumed with rage displays a strange ability: The power to transform into a Titan! Is this the lucky break humanity needs to survive?
About the Author
With his debut series, "Attack on Titan," Hajime Isayama has enjoyed a meteoric rise from unknown to one of Japan's top comics artists.
Book Information
ISBN 9781646510269
Author Hajime Isayama
Format Paperback
Page Count 192
Imprint Kodansha Comics
Publisher Kodansha America, Inc
Series Attack on Titan
Weight(grams) 181g
Dimensions(mm) 191mm * 127mm * 14mm