In medieval Japan, eight-year-old Hojo Tokiyuki is the heir to the Kamakura shogunate. But the Hojo clan is in decline, and Tokiyuki's peaceful days of playing hide-and-seek with his teachers come to an abrupt end when his clan is betrayed from within. The lone survivor of his family, Tokiyuki is the rightful heir to the throne, but to take it back, he'll have to do what he does best-run away!
The battle for control of Kamakura has been joined! The Hojo and Ashikaga forces clash as Tokiyuki and his Elusive Warriors take on the members of the infamous Kanto Hisashiban, and Kojiro has engaged Kagetada, a warrior twisted by Uesugi's chemical experiments. Meanwhile, Genba skirts the edges of the battle trying to track down another Ashikaga ninja. After Tokiyuki's inspiring race around the battlefield, his opponent, the horse-mad samurai Imagawa, moves in for the kill. Even Tokiyuki's famed elusiveness may not save him this time...
About the Author
Yusei Matsui was born on the last day of January in Saitama Prefecture, Japan. He has been drawing manga since elementary school. Some of his favorite manga series are Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and Ultimate Muscle. Matsui learned his trade working as an assistant to manga artist Yoshio Sawai, creator of Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo. In 2005, Matsui debuted his original manga Neuro: Supernatural Detective in Weekly Shonen Jump. In 2007, Neuro was adapted into an anime. His next series, Assassination Classroom, captured imaginations worldwide and was adapted to anime, video games, and film. In 2021, The Elusive Samurai began serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump.
Book Information
ISBN 9781974745982
Author Yusei Matsui
Format Paperback
Page Count 200
Imprint Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc
Publisher Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc
Series The Elusive Samurai
Weight(grams) 132g