Rumors revolving around The Book of Vanitas, a clockwork grimoire of dubious reputation, draw No?, a young vampire in search of a friend's salvation, to Paris. What awaits him in the City of Flowers, however, is not long hours treading the pavement or rifling through dusty bookshops in search of the tome. Instead, his quarry comes to the arms of a man claiming to be a vampire doctor! Thrust into a conflict that threatens the peace between humans and vampires, will No? cast in his lot with the curious and slightly unbalanced Vanitas and his quest to save vampirekind?
About the AuthorJun Mochizuki is the New York Times bestselling creator of PandoraHearts and CRIMSON-SHELL. The success of her PandoraHearts series spawned an extremely popular anime adaptation.
Book InformationISBN 9780316552813
Author Jun MochizukiFormat Paperback
Page Count 240
Imprint Yen PressPublisher Little, Brown & Company