Spirited Away, directed by the veteran anime film-maker Hayao Miyazaki, is Japan's most successful film, and one of the top-grossing 'foreign language' films ever released. Set in modern Japan, the film is a wildly imaginative fantasy, at once personal and universal. It tells the story of a listless little girl, Chihiro, who stumbles into a magical world where gods relax in a palatial bathhouse, where there are giant babies and hard-working soot sprites, and where a train runs across the sea. Andrew Osmond's insightful study describes how Miyazaki directed
Spirited Away with a degree of creative control undreamt of in most popular cinema, using the film's delightful, freewheeling visual ideas to explore issues ranging from personal agency and responsibility to what Miyazaki sees as the lamentable state of modern Japan. Osmond unpacks the film's visual language, which many Western (and some Japanese) audiences find both beautiful and bewildering. He traces connections between
Spirited Away and Miyazaki's prior body of work, arguing that
Spirited Away uses the cartoon medium to create a compellingly immersive drawn world. This edition includes a new foreword by the author in which he considers the world of animated cinema post-
Spirited Away, considering its influence on films ranging from del Toro's
Pan's Labyrinth to Pixar's
Inside Out.
A study of Hayao Miyazaki's 2001 anime Spirited Away in the BFI Film Classics seriesAbout the AuthorAndrew Osmond is a journalist and critic based in Berkshire, UK. He is the author of
Satoshi Kon: The Illusionist (2009);
100 Animated Feature Films (BFI Publishing, 2010) and
Ghost in the Shell (2017).
ReviewsThe kind of poetic, insightful examination that Spirited Away deserves. -- Ain't It Cool News
Osmond has done a fine job of conveying the sometimes complex traits of the film that have confused many Western (and Japanese) audiences since the film debuted in 2001 ... overall, the book is a definite must-read companion to the film. It does an excellent job of stripping away some of the layers and, at least for myself, has lead to a clearer understanding of the film. -- The Animation Anomaly (on the first edition)
Persuasively and fluidly written. -- Time Out London
Book InformationISBN 9781838719524
Author Andrew OsmondFormat Paperback
Page Count 128
Imprint Bloomsbury Publishing PLCPublisher Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
Series BFI Film ClassicsWeight(grams) 204g