In a parallel universe, the existence of a sweet, life-like android called Noa, a Sky Doll, has been turned upside down. Rescued by "missionaries" from her role as servant to a tyrannical master, and flung to the far reaches of the galaxy, Noa cannot seem to escape her past! For a start, she is capable of dreaming and has developed a personality of her own. In a dystopian world where personal and sexual freedoms have been perverted, Noa is a mysterious anomaly whose true power is yet to be revealed, even to her...
About the AuthorAlessandro Barbucci and Barbara Canepa are the Italian team behind the series W.I.T.C.H and Monsters Allergy. After working for Disney, the pair decided they wanted to create a world that explored the socio-political impact of religion, with more adult content, and so the Sky Doll series was born.
Book InformationISBN 9781785867347
Author Alessandro BarbucciFormat Hardback
Page Count 72
Imprint Titan ComicsPublisher Titan Books Ltd
Weight(grams) 567g