In a twisting, fast-moving adventure, ex-Navy Seal Nolan Kilkenny finds himself on a dangerous mission where he must recover a priceless artifact of human existence. The key to all life has suddenly become worth killing for...
Deep in the frozen wasteland of Antarctica, a remote NASA research lab rests atop a two-mile thick glacier, covering a vast underground water resevoir. But the true discovery isn't the lake buried in ice - it's what has been found within its boundaries. Something amazing. Something alive. And it may hold the answers to existence itself.
When the lab is attacked and its scientists murdered, Nolan Kilkenny realises that there is more than science at stake - there's power, money, and what may be another step in evolution. Racing around the globe, Kilkenny must stop the machinations of a diabolical adversary and recover a priceless artifact of human existence - or die trying...
About the Author
Tom Grace was born, raised, and still lives in Michigan. He studied architecture at the University of Michigan, where he developed his strict eye for detail. His superior knowledge of technology has found its way into his writing and has earned him tremendous acclaim as a result.
Tom Grace lives with his wife, five children and a yellow Labrador. His interests are architecture and current affairs; he also enjoys scuba diving, martial arts and running marathons.
Praise for The Secret Cardinal:
'An absorbing, carefully plotted adventure beautifully executed by Tom Grace - sure to hit the bestseller lists.' Clive Cussler
'A truly believable hero...Kilkenny is a little Jack Ryan, a little Dirk Pitt.' San Francisco Examiner
'Grace's prose recalls Ian Fleming at his most lean.' Publishers Weekly
Book Information
ISBN 9781847561244
Author Tom Grace
Format Paperback
Page Count 368
Imprint AVON, a division of HarperCollins Publishers Ltd
Publisher HarperCollins Publishers
Weight(grams) 214g
Dimensions(mm) 178mm * 111mm * 24mm