Private investigator Eddie Enriquez is an ex-con and veteran with powers of his own who still bears the scars of his time as a minion for a low-level supervillain. Good work's been hard to come by until a mysterious woman shows up at his office with a case the police and superheroes are ignoring: the suspicious death of a prominent non-human rights activist.
Meanwhile, superhero Kimberly Kline, a.k.a. Solar Flare, has just hit it big, graduating to the Pinnacle City Guardians. With good looks, incredible superpowers, and a family name that opens doors, the sky is the limit. But in trying to make the world a better place . . . she'll discover Pinnacle City isn't as black and white as it once seemed.
From the minds of Matt Carter and Fiona J. R. Titchenell, Pinnacle City is a pulpy, throwback noir of yesteryear, where two people from opposite sides of the track must team up to do good in a world full of bad.
About the Author
Matt Carter & Fiona J.R. Titchenell are married sci-fi, horror, and YA writers, who together have co-authored The Prospero Chronicles series. Matt has also written Almost Infamous: A Supervillain Novel, while Fiona has written Confessions of the Very First Zombie Slayer (That I Know Of). They live in sunny San Gabriel, California, with their pet king snake Mica.
"In this skillfully constructed secondary-world noir novel, having superpowers isn't always so super, and everyone has something to hide. . . . By allowing everyone to be a little morally grey, Carter and Titchenell spin a superhero story with staying power."
-Publishers Weekly (starred review)
"Pinnacle City embraces its own weirdness, which is a good thing. Solid characters with believable emotional arcs and good worldbuilding propel this unlikely story forward."
-Elitist Book Reviews
"A rollicking take on the all-American superhero tale. It's Stan Lee meets Dashiell Hammett, with just a little Clive Barker thrown in for good measure."
-Scott Kenemore, author of The Grand Hotel and Zombie, Ohio
"Lively and endearing, funny and hip, Pinnacle City puts gumshoe to cape and in a fantastic adult alternate history throbbing with modern pop-cultural conflict and absurdities."
-Johnny Worthen, award-winning author of The Finger Trap
"In this skillfully constructed secondary-world noir novel, having superpowers isn't always so super, and everyone has something to hide. . . . By allowing everyone to be a little morally grey, Carter and Titchenell spin a superhero story with staying power."
Publishers Weekly (starred review)
"A rollicking take on the all-American superhero tale. It's Stan Lee meets Dashiell Hammett, with just a little Clive Barker thrown in for good measure."
Scott Kenemore, author of The Grand Hotel and Zombie, Ohio
"Lively and endearing, funny and hip, Pinnacle City puts gumshoe to cape and in a fantastic adult alternate history throbbing with modern pop-cultural conflict and absurdities."
Johnny Worthen, award-winning author of The Finger Trap
Book Information
ISBN 9781945863165
Author Carter Matt
Format Paperback
Page Count 312
Imprint Talos
Publisher Skyhorse Publishing
Weight(grams) 352g
Dimensions(mm) 210mm * 140mm * 20mm