The Penguins of Madagascar is a spin-off of the Madagascar films. The series follows the adventures of four penguins: Skipper, Rico, Kowalski, and Private, who perform various paramilitary-like missions to protect their home in the Central Park Zoo. The penguins often have to deal with problems caused, or made worse, by King Julien XIII (a ring-tailed lemur), Maurice (an aye-aye), and Mort (a mouse lemur).
About the AuthorAlex Matthews has written for the Phoenix, the Dandy, and Private Eye. Lucas Fereyra has drawn for Ape Entertainment's Shrek and Penguins comics.
Book InformationISBN 9781782762515
Author Alex MatthewsFormat Paperback
Page Count 64
Imprint Titan ComicsPublisher Titan Books Ltd