Pandora in the Crimson Shell: Ghost Urn is a fascinating new cyberpunk manga series created by two manga legends: Masamune Shirow, the creator of Ghost in the Shell, and Koshi Rikdo, the creator of Excel Saga. A hybrid of science fiction, moe characters, and over-the-top humour and action, Pandora in the Crimson Shell: Ghost Urn is an ongoing manga series crafted by two of the manga world's most-respected masters. Each volume of Pandora in the Crimson Shell: Ghost Urn contains colour inserts and dynamic artwork. The planet is in a constant state of tumult. As rival countries vie for power and resources while racing to create the latest technological breakthroughs, robots and cyborgs have become commonplace. What hope is left for a jaded humanity in an age of advances in cybernetics and artificial intelligence? Enter two cyborg girls outfitted with insurmountable combat capabilities. This is their story. From the minds of Ghost in the Shell creator, Masamune Shirow, and Excel Saga creator Koshi Rikdo, comes an action-packed cyberpunk comedy manga that is unlike anything you've ever seen.
From the author of Ghost in the Shell and the artist of Excel Saga comes a thrilling new series about cybernetic girls.About the AuthorMasamune Shirow is a Japanese manga author and artist best known as the creator of
Ghost in the Shell and
Appleseed, and has done many illustrated artwork collections published by Dark Horse Comics.
Ridukou Koushi is a Japanese manga author and artist best known as the creator of
Excel Saga.
Book InformationISBN 9781626922396
Author Masamune ShirowFormat Paperback
Page Count 180
Imprint Seven Seas Entertainment, LLCPublisher Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC
Series Pandora in the Crimson Shell: Ghost UrnWeight(grams) 170g
Dimensions(mm) 181mm * 127mm * 15mm