Game loving shut-in Kazuma Sato's life as a young schoolboy in Japan abruptly comes to an early end...or at least it was supposed to. When he opens his eyes, though, he sees a beautiful goddess that offers him a once in an after-lifetime chance to be reborn in a parallel world. The catch is that the world is violent and threatened by a growing evil! Fortunately, he can choose any one thing to bring with him. So he chooses the goddess, Aqua! And so his adventure with his gorgeous companion begins--if he could just get enough money and food to survive, keep his goddess out of trouble, and avoid grabbing the attention of the Demon King's army!
About the AuthorNatsume Akatsuki (Author) Natsume Akatsuki is the author of Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! Kurone Mishima (Illustrator) Kurone Mishima is the artist behind The Devil Is a Part-Timer! High School!--the high school manga spin-off of the hit light novel series The Devil is a Part-Timer!
Book InformationISBN 9780316553377
Author Natsume AkatsukiFormat Paperback
Page Count 176
Imprint Yen PressPublisher Little, Brown & Company