The story tells the adventures and fates of wizard Vainamoeinen, warrior Lemminkainen, black-smith Ilmarinen and other larger than-life-characters looking for love, riches and magic in the far-away lands of the ancient North.
The world of Kalevala is lyrical, harsh and totally unique.
The Kalevala graphic novel is masterfully adapted by Sami Makkonen, best known for his four volumes of the Eisner Award nominated Hatter M series, which has made the NY Times best-selling list. Makkonen has also received the Sarjas Award for Best Fantasy Comic and has been nominated for a number of other awards, including the Ghastly Awards for horror work.
Book Information
ISBN 9781684972289
Author Sami Makkonen
Format Paperback
Page Count 168
Imprint Ablaze, LLC
Publisher Ablaze, LLC