With the ring of cute girl kidnappers brought to justice, their captives share tearful reunions with their families...except for the tragic Layette. It's too much for Kaoru, who declares that she'll take the girl in without a second thought. Their journey continues to the Kingdom of Jusral, where Kaoru finally gets the chance to put her potion powers to good use, open the workshop of her dreams, and maybe keep her head down this time...but her products may leave her customers more satisfied than she bargained for! It doesn't take long before everyone from army brass to noble bigwigs have their sights set on her formulae. Kaoru would much rather find a husband or set a good example for the local orphans, but she's got rent due first-right? Will Kaoru pull through? Scratch that, will someone buy her skincare routine already?
About the AuthorFUNA is the author of I Shall Survive Using Potions! Sukima is the illustrator for I Shall Survive Using Potions!
Book InformationISBN 9781718372351
Author FUNAFormat Paperback
Page Count 192
Imprint J-Novel ClubPublisher J-Novel Club
Series I Shall Survive Using Potions (Manga)