Cesare, the eldest child of the notorious Borgia household in fifteenth-century Italy, learns he has a sister he's never met-Lucrezia. He is also given a poison called "Cantarella," which has been handed down in the family for generations. The story unfolds after Cesare (here played by Kaito) meets Lucrezia (Hatsune Miku) for the first time...
About the Author
WhiteFlame, also known as Kurousa-P, is a popular composer of VOCALOID songs, including Cantarella and Senbonzakura.
Ichika is a Japanese manga artist who has collaborated on VOCALOID manga, including Aku no Musume and Cantarella.
Book Information
ISBN 9781685797324
Author WhiteFlame
Format Paperback
Page Count 172
Imprint Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC
Publisher Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC
Weight(grams) 369g