Explores the Australian animated feature film, Grendel Grendel Grendel (Alexander Stitt, 1981), a unique re-telling of the Beowulf epic, discussing this film in terms of its production, animation process, aesthetics and narrative content.
About the Author
Dan Torre is a senior lecturer in the School of Design at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. He is the author of a number of books, including: Animation - Process, Cognition and Actuality (Bloomsbury Academic, 2017), Cactus (2017), Carnivorous Plants (2019) and co-author of Australian Animation - An International History (2018). Lienors Torre is a senior lecturer in the School of Communication and Creative Arts at Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia. She writes on animation and related areas and is co-author of the book, Australian Animation - An International History (2018). She is also a practicing animator and artist.
Dan and Lienors Torre continue their invaluable contribution to the histories of Australian (and international) animation with this fascinating study of Alexander Stitt's utterly unique cult classic Grendel Grendel Grendel (1981), its production and circulation, and its themes and resonances as a 'reanimation' of Beowulf's monster. * Stephen Morgan, Screening Coordinator, Menzies Australia Institute, King's College London, UK *
Book Information
ISBN 9781501337826
Author Dr Dan Torre
Format Hardback
Page Count 216
Imprint Bloomsbury Academic USA
Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
Series Animation: Key Films/Filmmakers
Weight(grams) 463g