The all-new comics adventures of the Eleventh Doctor, as played by Matt Smith, have become a critically-acclaimed fixture in the lives of fans since their launch in July 2014 - this brings the first storyline to a stunning season finale! The Doctor has been orbiting the terrifying SERVEYOUinc corporation since he burst into the life of new companion Alice Obiefune... Now the truth behind SERVEYOUinc's transtemporal malevolence is revealed! And will cosmic rock god Jones transcend his lowly roots - or find his story unexpectedly cut short? Features an astounding SURPRISE VILLAIN that we can't spoil here - and that's just in the first thirty pages! Warring Romans in 312 AD! A creeping invasion of Earth! Timey-wimey shenanigans that will make every reader rush back to the previous two volumes and read them all over again!
About the Author
AI Ewing is a British comics writer who has contributed to various 2000 AD titles including Judge Dredd and Strontium Dog. Rob Williams is a regular contributor to UK comics stalwart, 2000 AD, and has written everything from Star Wars Tales, Ghostbusters, Amazing Spider-Man and Indiana Jones.
Book Information
ISBN 9781782767435
Author Al Ewing
Format Paperback
Page Count 136
Imprint Titan Comics
Publisher Titan Books Ltd
Series Doctor Who
Weight(grams) 349g
Dimensions(mm) 259mm * 170mm * 8mm