Haruka wanted to become a worthy match for her beloved Hikaru, who is beginning a promising career as assistant to a charismatic hair and makeup artist. Despite their busy schedules leading to misunderstandings, their fondness for each other only grows deeper, and they make plans to move in together. Things get glamorous when Shiu invites them to an elegant ball, where they encounter...Hikaru's parents?! Find out if love really does conquer all in the heartfelt conclusion to Cinderella Closet!
The final volume!
About the Author
Wakana Yanai is a manga creator in Japan, best known for shojo titles like Cinderella Closet.
Book Information
ISBN 9798891602243
Author Wakana Yanai
Format Paperback
Page Count 176
Imprint Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC
Publisher Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC
Series Cinderella Closet
Weight(grams) 369g