If you could see the truth of the world, do you think it would change you? Angela Brown has discovered some old notebooks belonging to Sir David Brewster, the famous 19th century Scottish inventor of the kaleidoscope. She has used them to create a wondrous new scientific instrument, revealing some fundamental truths about the interconnectedness of the universe. But now others want it too, and Angela finds herself part of an epic story that starts in the Isle of Skye and finishes in the moons around Jupiter at the start of an exciting new chapter in humanity's history.
About the Author
RUGADH DAIBHIDH EYRE ann an Coatbridge ann an 1972. Chuir e seachad bliadhnaichean na h-ard-sgoile ann an Glaschu, rinn e Litreachas na h-Alba agus Gaidhlig aig Oilthigh Dhun Eideann, agus bhon uair sin tha dreuchdan air a bhith aige mar neach-naidheachd is oifigear nam meadhanan. Chaidh cuid dhe na dain aige fhoillseachadh ann am Poetry Scotland, Irish Pages, Northwards Now, An Guth, Gutter agus New Writing Scotland. Dh'fhoillsicheadh an nobhail ghoirid aige, Glainne, ann an 2015.
Frith-eachdraidh ann an nobhail lan dochais. Gabhaidh math! - TIM ARMSTRONG
Book Information
ISBN 9781912147120
Author Daibhidh Eyre
Format Paperback
Page Count 192
Imprint Luath Press Ltd
Publisher Luath Press Ltd
Weight(grams) 300g
Dimensions(mm) 210mm * 135mm * 15mm