Anime, hand-drawn or computer-animated Japanese cartoons, appears in television series, films, video, video games, and commercials, and represents most genres of fiction. This critical study explores anime's relationship with art from a twofold perspective. Drawing from categories as varied as romance, comedy, slice of life drama, science fiction, bildungsroman, and school drama, it examines anime's representation of characters pursuing diverse artistic activities and related aesthetic visions, focusing closely on the concepts of creativity, talent, expressivity and experimentation. Additionally, the analysis engages with anime's own artistry, proposing that those characters' endeavors provide metaphors for the aims and objectives pursued by anime itself as an evolving art form. While focused on anime, the cross-cultural resonance of this work makes it relevant not only to anime fans and scholars, but also to those interested in the phenomenon of image-making.
About the AuthorDani Cavallaro has written widely about literature, cultural theory, and anime. She lives in London.
Book InformationISBN 9780786465613
Author Dani CavallaroFormat Paperback
Page Count 242
Imprint McFarland & Co IncPublisher McFarland & Co Inc
Weight(grams) 351g