A tale of coming of age, perfect for fans of Magical Girl manga, Alpi the Soul Sender continues her adventure with a growing rival with another of her order, as the evil of man begins to twist more spirits into something treacherous... As Alpi and Pelenai continue on their journey they encounter more spirits twisted by the evil done by humans. Alpi then encounters Sersela, another young Soul Sender, and their rivalry quickly grows. Will they be able to set aside the differences in order to combat the growing threat?
About the AuthorRona is a Japanese webtoon artist living in Aichi Prefecture. She enjoys the Japanese art of ikebana (flower arranging) and dreams of having a garden of her own one day. Alpi the Soul Sender
Book InformationISBN 9781787741317
Author Rona .Format Paperback
Page Count 160
Imprint Titan ComicsPublisher Titan Books Ltd