A terrific job! This book will be a must for every Charlie Chan devotee around the world. -- Richard Gordon^LGordon Films, Inc.^LProducer of ^IThe Cat and the Canary^R (1977) Charles P. Mitchell's ^IA Guide to Charlie Chan Films^R is certainly the best, most scholarly and detailed book ever written about the famous Earl Derr Biggers detective. Mitchell's work is a shining example of talented researchers who have captured and captivated their public with imagination, perception, style, and unerring wit. -- Ronald Schwartz^LProfessor of Romantic Languages and Film^LCity University of New York-Kingsborough From winning the bar bet to researching a master's thesis, ^IA Guide to Charlie Chan^R imparts enough information to satisfy even the most ardent Chan fan. Charles Mitchell knows his subject. -- Lt. Patrick Picciarelli NYPD (ret.)^LAuthor of ^IJimmy the Wags: Street Stories of a Private Eye^R Charles Mitchell's uncanny ability to capture the spirit of the Chan films makes his comments on them a joy to read. -- Bob King^LEditor, ^IClassic Images^R
About the Author
CHARLES P. MITCHELL has served as director of a number of Maine libraries and has been Chairman of the Southern Maine Library District./e He has lectured on theater, film and books at many sites throughout Maine, including Westbrook College.
Mitchell's research, added to his light yet informative writing style, is a winner and makes this book interesting to read. Now I want to go back and rewatch the Chan movies all over again, which is a credit to any film book. * Mad About Movies *
Book Information
ISBN 9780313309854
Author Charles P. Mitchell
Format Hardback
Page Count 312
Imprint Greenwood Press
Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
Series Bibliographies and Indexes in the Performing Arts
Weight(grams) 567g